Phishing Simulation Services & Training for Employees | LOGIQUES






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LOGIQUE Phishing Simulation

Protect Your Business with Phishing Simulation and Cyber Security Training for Your Employees

Is your company vigilantly prepared to deal with Phishing Threats?

Apakah perusahaan Anda sudah cukup siap untuk menghadapi Ancaman Phishing?

Is your company vigilantly prepared to deal with Phishing Threats?

Phishing attacks have become a major threat to all companies. Having one employee with low cybersecurity literacy is enough to increase the risk of threats across company systems.

It is advisable for all companies to utilize the proven and highly reliable Phishing simulation tool Caniphish to understand the state of employee cybersecurity literacy and to minimize the risk of threat. The appropriate actions to be taken include providing training to high-risk employees who are vulnerable to becoming targets of Phishing attacks.

What is a Phishing Scam / Phishing Attack?


What is a Phishing Scam / Phishing Attack?

Phishing is a fraudulent act in which the user/target of the attack will be directed to a fake website via email or SMS, so that the user's login information and personal information can be stolen.

With so many online shopping platforms available today, online banking/payment systems are becoming increasingly used. If the user is not careful and does not have a good understanding of the threats that lurk, then the user can easily fall for the phishing attack. You need to know that the number of cases of phishing attacks continues to increase from year to year and the techniques used to cheat are becoming more sophisticated and more complicated.


The following are some of the adverse effects that you can experience if you are exposed to a Phishing attack:


Important information and accounts to access the internal systems and causes the unwanted access or hack to the internal systems and servers.


Someone can buy goods in online shops by using your credit card.


Losing balance in your bank account


Losing balance in your E-Money account

Phishing Attack Case Examples

contoh kasus

Phishing e-mail example : POS Indonesia

You receive an email from a party on behalf of Pos Indonesia and the email contains a message informing you that a package failed to be delivered because you were not present during the delivery process. You are then asked to inform the best time for the resending process by visiting a website via the hyperlink they have provided in the email.

contoh kasus

Phishing e-mail example : LinkedIn

You receive an email that looks like a connection approval email from LinkedIn. You will then be directed to the login screen for approval and asked to enter your ID and password. When you follow this command, then that important information will be stolen.

How to Avoid Phishing Attacks?

It is important for every employee to have good knowledge and understanding of cyberattacks. Employees must know what types of attacks are common and what things to check to avoid them. Some examples of preventive actions include not visiting or clicking on hyperlinks embedded in emails or SMS, and opt for entering websites using bookmarked links or via a Google search. Also, check the destination domain before clicking on hyperlinks, investigate whether the email was sent to multiple recipients, etc.

All companies must ensure that all employees they have are equipped with the appropriate security literacy. Therefore, it is highly recommended that companies conduct regular Phishing simulations to increase employee awareness of cybersecurity risks. Through this Phishing simulation, you can see which departments and which employees are vulnerable to Phishing attacks. Thus, you can provide training sessions on IT security to employees who need it.

Cara mengindari serangan phishing

Regular simulations and training to increase cybersecurity awarenessr



Risk assessment (knowing who is vulnerable to attack)


Provision of training to minimize threat risks

Phishing Simulation Services Provided by LOGIQUE in Indonesia

LOGIQUE provides Caniphish solutions as a distributor in Indonesia. Caniphish is a global company that provides Phishing simulations and other security solutions to companies around the world. By understanding the habits and behavior of internet users in Indonesia, LOGIQUE offers Caniphish solutions that have been proven to work very well for clients in Indonesia.

Phishing Simulation Flow

Simulasi Serangan Phishing

Phishing attack simulation

Simulasi Serangan Phishing

Analysis of simulation results

Simulasi Serangan Phishing

Training of employees

Simulasi Serangan Phishing

Simulation of attack again (resimulation)

CaniPhish features


Phishing Email or SMS sent

Well-crafted Phishing simulation emails in multiple languages ​​will be sent to employees via email and SMS.

The goal is to manage and organize all processes from simulation planning to execution processes to be done very easily.


Analysis of simulation results

You can see and analyze the simulated results of Phishing attacks clearly, such as knowing who responded, opened emails, and entered personal information. Caniphish allows you to perform risk analysis on individual employees, teams and departments.


Instant training

Employees who fall into the trap (simulated Phishing attack) are advised to take instant training immediately to understand what they have done, what they should have checked, and for a better understanding of cybersecurity in the future.

Providing hands-on training will increase the awareness level of your employees so that they can take appropriate action when they come across a real Phishing attack.


Provision of training

According to the analysis results obtained, training can be given to certain departments, positions or employees who require retraining. Through the report on the dashboard page, you can also see whether the targeted person has received training, as well as find out their level of proficiency based on the answers from the exam in the form of quizzes after the training is given.

Application :

Caniphish allows you to have a better understanding of the cybersecurity risks associated with employees in your company. When companies do not take the necessary precautions immediately, the risk of phishing attacks such as security issues increases significantly. As a solution, companies can understand the current situation with Caniphish and improve employees' cybersecurity literacy.

Please contact LOGIQUE for more information regarding the use of Caniphish in Indonesia (cost, implementation, demo, etc.)