CTR is an important factor in tracking the status of a PPC ad campaign. If your ads possess a low click through rate, then that might just be a niggling little sign that your ads have failed to engage audiences. On the other hand, a good CTR shows that you have created an impressive advertisement campaign and viewers are therefore more likely to click on the ad. If you are currently running an ad campaign or a website, chances are, you’re looking to receive more clicks, not less right? Well then, it’s about time you focus on your PPC campaign abilities and increase your CTR game and website traffic. Hopefully, receiving your fair share of website traffic not only results in a better chance of getting those juicy conversions, but also means a better CTR which, in turn means better per-click cost. Therefore, here are some nifty tips on how to receive a higher number of clicks on your ads:
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Create Ad Copy that is Appealing
When running PPC ads, it should be a rule of thumb that creating proper ad copy is an important factor. You need to find a way to convince your viewers that your ad is worth the click. All you really need for this is a short, but attractive statement that focuses on the heart of what you are offering. Your ad copy should also underline the value that your service can bring to their lives; if your services are not immediately appealing to a potential customer, then why should they give your services time out of their day? After all, they’ve got errands to run, chores to do, YouTube videos to laugh at; a very busy schedule, all in all. Therefore, a successful Ad is able to convince its customers of the utility of its product or services. This is a combination of good ad copy and visuals. The bottom line is to make sure your ad is interesting; the more the ad is able to pull in eyeballs, the higher chance you will have of raising your CTR.
Understand your Audience
This is probably the most fundamental aspect of, not only raising your CTR, but marketing in general. If you do not have a thorough comprehension of who it is you are advertising for, then your ads will not be likely to attract the people most expected to respond to your ads. An appropriate analogy would be trying to sell soft drinks to communities orientated around healthy living; it doesn’t make sense on a fundamental level. Knowing your audience is a key fundamental aspect that you can build your other marketing strategies around. In this sense, it will guide you on a variety of issues, from the right keywords to choose, what images to put in your ads to the tone of the ad copy you make.
Make Good use of Countdown Timers
Countdown timers leverage a key aspect within the world of marketing: instilling a sense of urgency. Specifically, this urgency is what those in marketing term as “FOMO”, or a Fear of Missing Out. And apparently, judging from the data, people really dislike missing out: for example, the ad agency Merkle | IMPAQT had utilized countdown timers right before Black Friday (the famous America cultural touchstone) kicked off, and what do you know? They discovered that their ads suddenly performed much better. Apparently, making good use of countdown timers is just common knowledge across the marketing sphere, because Clarks America followed suite with the same strategy and saw their CTR grow by a whopping 32%.
Ad Extensions can Increase Visibility
It is in Google’s best interest for your ads to gain a good CTR. After all, they receive a cut of the profits every time someone clicks on an ad. With that in mind, in the ebook “Create That Clicks”, Google suggests utilizing extensions in order to increase your CTR. Review extensions in particular are helpful because they make sure that positive reviews from trustworthy sources show up within your ads, which can greatly influence a person’s decision whether to give your ad a click or not. In fact, such useful extensions can help increase your potential click rate by 66%. This is because positive reviews weigh in a lot on a person’s opinion about a product or service (as some of you reading this might be aware of). Before purchasing something, it is a common practice to search for other people’s experiences of that service or product, before taking that next step and hocking over money.
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