Remote Working & The Benefits of Cloud Technology

During these uncertain times, large-scale adjustments to way daily life have been adopted, specifically in regards to structures of employment. Indeed, for most workers around the world, working from home is a new experience, and comes with a set of unique challenges.

The most glaring challenge for implementing remote work in such a sudden manner is the company’s technical ability (Or lack thereof) to provide itself with secure infrastructure, along with various external factors, such as organization and proper coordination between team members.

However, with the advent of Cloud Computing technology, implementing remote work is becoming easier. Hence, this game-changing technology has proven to be the most logical step in the direction of completely professional and functional strategies of remote work.

Here are some of the benefits:

Universally Accessible and Reliable

For freelancers, the benefits of using Cloud based strategies might not be a surprise due to the nature of their work. Indeed, Cloud Computing allows access to documents and other critical materials from a universally accessible online source, allowing workers to access such materials from their devices, while in any location.

Office 365 is one such example which provides a cloud service, giving its users the ability to immerse themselves in an online based office. Through the Cloud, administrators can also collectively track employee login sessions and limit/control access to the system.

Remote Coordination has Never Been Easier

Cloud Technology helps recreate the office experience in almost all aspects. Some examples include single documents which can be viewed / worked on by authorized team members from their respective devices, to cloud based audio or video conferencing services, such as Avaya, Lifesize, or Zoom.
The extent of the features provided through Cloud Technologies vary though, and can range from basic to advanced, also varying from facilitating startups to large scale enterprises. Essentially, such services allow remote workers to conduct their work at home, as if they were at the office itself.

Decrease Expenses

Physical data can be expensive to maintain. Investing in hardware comes with implicit costs regarding storage upkeep, and compromised methods of data recovery. Also, requiring individuals to sustain such infrastructure, which is necessary for Hardware based tech, can prove to be a disadvantage.

Cloud computing technologies store information on an internet based data center, so space can be universally accessed between employees. This online based method of storage results in less ‘physical’ equipment such as servers, and hence, lowers costs.

Better Scalability

Services such as renting cloud storage spaces, purchasing more bandwidth or gaining access to cloud based software, can be easily stopped when a company experiences a drop in demand. Therefore, Cloud based technologies provide a flexible cost efficient option to reduce expenses when a company undergoes financial problems.

Indeed, during a time as unpredictable as this, scalability is key, especially if you own an online business. Because of the widespread lockdown and unstable consumer behavior, there is no sure way to know if customers will irregularly come back to your store, or stock up all at once. Such management is a difficult task. Through cloud technology, scalability and managing costs becomes a simplified effort.

Overall, the future of the pandemic is uncertain, and will continue to change the nature of technology and business. But nevertheless, Cloud Computing is here to stay; its reliability and cost efficiency has been already been revealed through widespread remote work, its hard to see organizations not adopting it on some level or another in the near future.

Work Remotely With Logique Digital Indonesia

If you have web development skills and want to work remotely, consider joining Logique Digital Indonesia. Currently, we have job vacancies open for several positions, such as Front End Developer, Web Developer, Mobile App Developer, and many more. Please visit the Logique career page to find the positions that match your skills and experience.