Experts have discovered a new type of malware that can steal and delete data from a user’s device. The virus purportedly attacks the Master Boot Record (MBR) and prevents the system from operating normally, as reported by Sindonews.
Security researchers have identified five types of malware affecting Windows PCs. Some are distributed informally and others are made as tests or even as pranks.
Four of them exploit the Corona virus pandemic and were coded to destroy information, and not for reasons of financial gain. The fourth type of malware was discovered by IB researchers last month two of which included the more dangerous types known to rewrite the Master Boot Record.
During the first stage, the malware displays a window that cant be closed, due to the fact that the virus has disabled the user’s Windows task manager. While the user tries to find a way to close the window, the malware damages the MBR and then reboots the PC.
This results in the user being unable to access his PC and the system unable to boot outside of the preload layer. In this case, fortunately it is still possible to restore access to machines and its data; though, special software is required to restore the computer’s MBR.
Further, the ‘CoronaVirus’ malware is a ransomware that rewrites the MBR, but engages in a more sophisticated strategy of attack.
According to information security expert Vitality Kremez, the malware contains code that deletes files from the victim’s machine. But this code is not active when an Antivirus program investigates the malware. This feature present within the second remake of the virus, discovered two weeks later by G DATA expert Carsten Khan.
In conclusion, the corona virus threat comes hand-in-hand with is cyber security problems. Email spammers ultimately use the Covid-19 pandemic to convince people to download malicious attachments. Other fraudsters have set up tens of thousands of websites using a pandemic themed domain name.
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