The Importance of Digital Transformation for Companies in Indonesia

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is happening that has brought various positive impacts on various aspects of life. With the development of telecommunications equipment and the availability of internet networks, we can now carry out various online activities. Starting from shopping, listening to music, reading news, and more. Looking at digitalization that has taken place in all aspects, it is important for companies to follow the process of digital transformation.

Why is digital transformation important for companies?

1. There is a change in consumer behavior

Technological advancements have brought about changes in market behavior. At present most consumers are more likely to make online transactions. Only with a smartphone connected to an internet connection, consumers can buy their various needs without having to come to an outlet. If the company still wants to be able to compete in the digital age, then this comfort must also be provided in business.

digital transformation

2. Increase customer satisfaction

Digital media that is easily accessed and operated can give satisfaction to your customers. There have been many companies that provide applications or websites in order to improve service quality. Through this digital media, consumers can also easily find various information about your services for 24 hours non-stop.

The digital age also provides a variety of tools that you can use to analyze consumer behavior. The data you obtain from these analytic tools can be used to determine the appropriate marketing strategy.

3. More time and cost savings

When you apply digital technology for business, you will get many benefits in terms of time efficiency and cost savings. For example, if your business has branches in several cities, sending documents between branches is no longer a problem. Data or documents can be easily shared via Google Drive or Dropbox.

Applying digital technology also allows small businesses to reach a broad target market. If previously marketing was done by paying for advertisements on television, radio, or print media, now marketing can be done online. By building a website, even small businesses also have the opportunity to market their services throughout Indonesia.

Read Also: Why Your Business Need Digital Marketing Strategy

Indonesian Digital Logique Service

Logique Digital Indonesia is an IT consultant with various services. We will help your business get high profits through digital technology. Some of the services we offer such as website creation services, application creation, digital marketing, SEO optimization, penetration testing, and others. If you are interested in our services please contact us or click Service Logique.

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