After being introduced in a beta format last September 2017, WhatsApp had finally, officially, released WhatsApp Business. This app apparently will help connecting you and your consumers in a personal way.
Reported by, as the name implies, chat service that has been used by countless social media users in the world eventually targeted businessmen. This is certainly good news, especially for those of you who are currently running a startup business with the internet user market.
In concept, WhatsApp Business comes to facilitate communication between businessmen and their customers personally with a universal and easy-to-use chat application service.
Unfortunately, this app can yet only be enjoyed by five countries, namely Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, England, and the United States, at the moment. This service is also newly available for Android users. There hasn’t been any further news about its appearance for iOS.
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WhatsApp Business Features
In terms of logo, you immediately know which one is WhatsApp Messenger, and which one is for business. As you know, WhatsApp Messenger has a green logo with a phone icon. While the WhatsApp Business brings the symbol capital “B” for Business.
In addition to providing personalized chat and phone services like WhatsApp Messenger, WhatsApp Business also provides special features for businessmen. One of them includes using a home or company phone number. However, WhatsApp recommends that the phone number used on WhatsApp Messenger should be different from WhatsApp Business.
In addition, with WhatsApp Business, a businessman can also add store or company identity information to profiles, such as business hours, sites, business categories, locations, and company descriptions. There is also a statistical information of user interaction with the consumer.
If you’re tired of typing the same answers over and over again for your consumers, don’t worry. This app allows you to provide FAQs through the Quick Replies feature. In addition, you can also automatically welcome new customers with Greeting Messages feature. Then, if your store is temporarily closed, you can also notify consumers with Away Messages feature.
In order to prevent messy incoming messages, this app also features “Labels” that were not previously added in the beta. With that feature, you can categorize incoming messages to be more organized.
Interested in trying WhatsApp Business app? You can download the application on Google Play Store in the following link. Good luck!