This Is How You Present The Perfect About Us Page

If you’re thinking about making blogging a full-time career, how you present your blog to your readers is a key element for your eventual success. Your ‘About Us’ page is a crucial part of effectively advertising the message you seek to convey. It’s the page where your readers can comprehensively understand your blog’s content, and why they should stick around to continue reading it.

How to Present a Great ‘About Us’ Page?

So, you want to convey an effective overall message through your About Us page? According to Conversion Minded, here’s how to show your readers that your blog is just what they’re looking for:

Introduce Yourself

Though it seems obvious, a key feature of this segment should be to convey more than simply a basic introduction. You need to let your readers understand your core message and make them empathize with it if you can. Indeed, your overall message should contain what you’re actually doing and how it will help them in some way. Basically, you should aim to connect with your audience as much as possible.

Understand Your Audience

You must let your readers know that you are on the same page as they are (figuratively, of course). Let them know that you care, understand and are willing to act upon your audience’s concerns and interests, whatever they may be.

How does one go about doing this? Simple: by answering the pressing questions on the minds of your audience base. Why is it that they felt the need to check out your blog? What were they looking for when they did so?  And, perhaps most importantly, what would give them a reason not to? Try answering your audience in a way that lets them know that you’ve been in their shoes before, or at least, understand and empathize with their situation.

Tell Your Story

Now that they are on the same page as you are, you can tell them how you will assist them. You can further explain your story and why you are writing it. Through such means, you can properly convey the message that you have sought to write about in your blog.

Picture the results

Since you have now got their attention, and perhaps now have some confidence in your abilities, next, you should try and imagine what’s going to happen after you solve their problems. How will they react after you’ve helped them? Try and visualize the results.

So, What Do I Do?

Such is the question you will hope to eventually hear from them. After hearing your professional opinion, hopefully, they will start actively seeking your guidance. Now all you need to do is assist them in contacting you. Include a sign-up form and tell them how they will be able to join your team. Make it as simple and accessible as possible.

Lastly, never underestimate the capability of every single page, especially your About Us page, because that is the page where everyone gets to know if and how you will be able to help them. Don’t forget to include your photo and/or company profile. Inform them who is actually behind the making of your awesome blog.

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Source: The Sweet Set Up