Online marketing can be the most successful way to increase your sales nowadays. One of the best techniques of online marketing is to approach social media users. To do this, you’re going to have to sell your products through social media accounts too. Thank God, some of the biggest social medias are free.
It might sound promising, but selling products through social media can be a hassle. The contents that you post or upload can be the pictures of your products, but that’s not enough. You need to put thought and structures related to your brand behind the content you create, so people will question and be curious about your products.
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How To Maximilize Contents In Social Media
Here are six tips on how to maximilize your contents in social media, according to ClickZ.
Get to know your audience
You need your audience, so you have to make sure that your audiences need you too. To do this, you have to recognize who actually your audiences are. Not just the demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.), but you also need to understand their interests, needs, mindsets, and behaviours.
This way, you will make a connection with them, as you’re telling that you and your audience has the same thing in mind. Therefore, you will become important to them just as they are to you.
Online Marketing With Values
Creating contents that are only focused on your products usually doesn’t end up well to social media users. They don’t like advertisements that are not what they need, or at least unrelatable to their lives. Which is why you should provide some type of value to them.
That value can be anything, like education, entertainment, or how to’s, as long as they’re useful to them. This way, your contents will give long-term awareness and brand recall. They also don’t seem like marketing, but entertaining and informative instead.
Create Content Pillars
Social media is basically not for marketing in the first place. It’s for people to share their interests, thoughts, political mindsets, and personal stories. Therefore, it would sound very egocentric if you only create posts about your brand. As mentioned before, social media users don’t like advertisements that are not relatable with them.
Other thing you can do is to create content pillars. Content pillars are not just contents about products. They are the platform that are rooted in customer needs, brand voice and personality, and business objectives. They can be social projects or humanity campaign. This is the way in which you’re advertising while also stretching into relevant aspects of your audiences’ lives.
Your Contents As Your Face
You don’t just create good contents and post them. Your contents don’t just have to be good but also to make good images of your company. Don’t post pictures or videos with low quality. If your contents are low quality, there is a small possiblity that social media users will share them. Make them look organized, arranged, simple and nice to see. Design them to be attractive, just like you dress up everyday.
Not Only Facebook or Twitter
If those ways still don’t work for you, you have to expand your mind. Your good contents don’t just attract social media users instantly. You need to make them visible and shareable to reach wider users.
There are some other things you can do for a professional online marketing, and one of them includes a paid method. You can make some investments on Outbrain or Taboola, or you can take other social channels beside Facebook or Twitter. You can use sites that accept submissions of specific contents, like for infographics or for contests. Don’t forget to put your contents linked to Google+ because they have a major impact on organic ranking.
Identify the performance
Before posting your contents to social media, you need to measure how much impact your contents will give you. If they don’t give much impact, or even none, don’t bother. You need to make sure that every single content is not just a content but also matters to both your company and social media users.
Identify the performance too as they will be your measurements for future contents. The important things that you should be concerned are awareness, consumption, engagement, actions, and SEO impact. Awareness includes impressions, reach, mentions. Consumption includes clicks, visits, referrals. Engagement includes likes, shares, +1s, time on site. Actions includes leads/sales, content downloads, newsletter sign-ups, site navigation. SEO Impact includes increased organic site traffic and activity, increased organic backlinks, increased engagement on specific content pieces.
The most important thing from these six ways to maximilize your contents is to understand who your audiences are. Being connected with them is the key to this.
Annisa Mauliddiyah