Other than the website’s content and technicality, one other thing that is also deemed as important for your website is the website layout. Just like the design, it will be the first thing that will be noticed by your visitor. First impression has always been important, and your website will make the impression of your company on those who’ve seen it. Just admit it, although the content you’re putting to your website is excellent and your website loads quickly, who ever wanted to see a bad website layout?
What is this?
(Source: Elegant Themes)
The website above clearly not so well-constructed – for there is no navigation, the font is too small, and there are way too much small pictures in the homepage. Most important of all, the background of this site is pitch black, and you may note down that no font color other than white is suitable for that background. Other color as green and yellow neon might hurt your eyes.
After reading the passage above, you might be wondering: Does my website already has what it takes? Nevertheless, designing a website layout might be tricky, but it’s not always complicated. Just follow these three simple yet useful tips to make your website stands out!
- Decide on your concept.
Source: Used Imagination
Before starting anything, you better pick up a piece of paper and a pen. Draw a square and fill it with the elements you want for your website. What kind of navigation do you want? Do you want a lot of HD images? Will the Flash be running quickly with all of that elements? It is always better to put every elements in balance to give the visitor a well-arranged website. It is always for you to decide. This step also applies to when you want to re-layout your website. They key is one: Be consistent and never tacky.
- Wording is important.
Source: Make Money Online A Reality
Many people think that as long as the content is gramatically correct and has well-arranged design, the website is doing okay. Don’t think like that. To have an interesting website layout, you also need to make the copywriting attractive as well. What’s your language style? Is it formal? Is it casual? Will people be boring when reading it? Try to look from the visitor’s side when you put those words altogether in your website. Do they attract your attention enough or make you want to turn your eyes away from it? Little hint: Sometimes not following the grammar rule is okay in the copywriting world. Just don’t stray too much, but make sure that your visitor understands what you’re saying.
- Unleash your true creativity.
Source: Creativeans
Who says a website layout must follow the rules? Sure, there might be some basic rules like color-contrasting and navigation, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot use your creativity to stand among the other websites. Creativity has no limit, so this is a chance for you to explore the most unique ways to make people remember your website well. Here are some examples of creative website layout, as cited from Awwwards.com:
– http://www.danielspatzek.com/Home
However, take note that not everyone has the same internet access which might result in the slower processing of these creative websites, compared to the normal websites. You will also have to spend more money to create such unique websites.
Whether it’s simple or creative, the most important thing in a website is if the right people who’ve seen it will do further action related to your website – either it’s buying the product or using the service that is offered. Contact and discuss only with the best website layouter that will bring everyone’s eyes to your website only. Logique Digital Indonesia is always ready to give our professional consultation on how to enhance your website layout with just the right price. Contact us now in https://www.logique.co.id/contact.php for more informations.